Vaccine still available at public health, other healthcare providers

Greene County Public Health held the first mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Greene County Wednesday, March 31. The clinic filled 1,170 appointment slots to give the Pfizer vaccination. The clinic drew persons from all of central Iowa.
There were 45 volunteers and employees who worked this event through a collaboration of Greene County public health, Wild Rose Casino – Jefferson, Greene County Medical Center, Rotary Club of Jefferson, local pharmacies and the Greene County Medical Reserve Corps.
“The clinic turned out very well. People were leaving within 13 minutes of walking through the door, being screened, registering and receiving their vaccine,” said Greene County director of public health Becky Wolf.

“Being able to host the clinic at an events center like the Wild Rose Casino was great. They were very accommodating to our needs and helping us host the clinic for the community,” Wolf continued. “One of the greatest rewards from this event was seeing the smile on people’s faces that they were finally able to get the vaccine. This is truly a historic event. The collaboration between all of the community partners has been over the top to make this event successful.”
Moving forward, Greene County public health will continue to give vaccines out of its office space at Greene County Medical Center. The vaccine will continue to also be available from other partners in the county like local pharmacies and clinics.
Persons who are interested in getting the COVID-19 vaccine from public health can call 515-386-0564. The vaccine is being offered to everyone 16 years and older. The availability of another mass clinic is based on whether Greene County public health is allotted another large surplus of the vaccine, which is unknown at this time.
Those who received their COVID-19 shot during this clinic will return April 21 to receive their second dose of the vaccine. Participants received an appointment card with their appointment information when they registered at the clinic and are asked to bring back an insurance card with them if they didn’t bring their card to the first appointment.